Help support the works of The Perez Art District by becoming a Patron.
Your financial investment helps our artists reach the ever growing community of Southern California through events, advertising and public relations endeavors.
By becoming a Perez Patron you are investing in the talent, the vision and the future of
a community that significantly improves the appeal, attraction and beauty of our Valley.

There are many ways you can help:

1. Host a private sale at your place of business, community clubhouse, or private residence.

2. Let us help you raise funds for YOUR cause. A percentage of sales can benefit your charity.

3. Create an event at the District. Partner with all of us, some of us or one of us.

4. Set up a learning/creating party with our artists. We make some money, you make
some pretty!

5. As creative types, we’re naturally out-of-the-box thinkers, but we can’t think of everything. Perhaps you have an innovative idea? Please share your ideas and help us help you help us.

6. Give us a gift. It’s still legal, it’s a generous thing to do, and your funds will be used
via a traceable/transparent transaction to fund the outreach of the District so together
we can make our Valley a more beautiful place to inhabit.

Together we ARE better with art!

Anne Bedrick - The Perez Art District
Anne Bedrick - The Perez Art District
Anne Bedrick - The Perez Art District